February 2025 Minutes | Meeting was held on February 04, 2025 | Minutes recorded by: Brian Alger |
Attending | - Lee Ann Dean (Host)
- Skinny Reynolds (Host)
- Matthew Plett
- Matt Brasher
- Dakota Mason
- Michelle Brooks
- Brian Alger
- Piper Weekly
- Pierson Miller
- Levi Ramsey
- Ryan Marshall
| Old Business | - Covered last month's minutes
- The expected Helen' trip has been cancelled. Another group of cavers ultimately fulfilled the park service's plan to retrieve the radon monitoring equipment from the cave.
- Lee Ann found the LAG patch and presented it to Matthew for completing one year with grotto.
- A date of March 8 was set to try to go to Merus to continue working on the cave mapping project. Brian will contact them to see if this date will work.
- William and Tammy have submitted a proposal to CaCa for a Pool restoration project in the Big Room. They are still waiting for approval. Plans are to due this over Spring Break, March 15-23. One thing mentioned is that CaCa would like to see stats on how many visitor interactions occur while working in the cave.
- Still no word from Sam Seaver. Suspect the cave is probably gypsum and small allowing for it to be surveyed the same day.
| New Business | - Brian gave a treasury report. Dues collected have been deposited resulting in a balance of $840.19
- William will be hosting a vertical training session at his house on Saturday, February 8 at 8:00am.
- Lee Ann presented Tammy with a brand new, unused, pStyle. This is a device to allow women to pee while standing up.
- Cave permits at the Carlsbad BLM office are now handled by Georgia Schneider.
Phone: 575-234-5953
Email: gnschneider@blm.gov - Talk about cleaning up the original Google Groups Email list and resurrecting it. The group email address is lagcavers@googlegroups.com. William and Brian will take care of this.
- Tobin and Matthew of the Bexar Grotto are going to take over Mike Mansur's Speleothem repair project at Caca. Next trip planned for April 4-6.
| Trip Reports | - Levi - Talked about the January YESO trip which got snowed out. It wasn't from the lack of trying however. The snow just proved to be too much for the vehicles.
- Lee Ann - The Small Party Rescue training class took place at Caverns of Sonora on January 18-20. The weather was extremely cold. While there, it was discovered that Tim's mural was covered in mold due to the high levels of humidity at the cave entrance. The panels were taken down and cleaned up. A spacer was added behind the panels to allow air flow with the hopes that it will stop the mold from regrowing.
| Upcoming Trips | - March 29 - Southwestern Spring Regional will take place at McKittrick Hill. Pajarito & Pecos Valley Grottos are sponsoring the event. Email stefy_mccarty@yahoo.com for additional details.
- April - A recreational trip to the High Guads was talked about.
- April - Blowing Crack Cave dig was brought up again with interest. Potential trip in April.
- February 7-9 & March 7-9 are the next Project YESO trips. For more information visit https://projectyeso.com.
| Program | - Tammy gave an Intro to Cave Restoration presentation. Restoration is the process of returning anything with visitor impact back to its original state. She and William brought their restoration gear and explained its use.
| Next Meeting | - March 4, 2025
- 7:00 PM
- Tucker residence