Caving is inherently dangerous. It is your responsibility to obtain proper training before venturing into a cave.
  • Let at least three people know where you are going with an estimated time of return.
  • Each person on the trip should bring at least three light sources. Why?
  • Only enter caves you have permission to enter.
  • If the trip is vertical, each person should have their own vertical gear.
  • Always have one person check your vertical gear before getting on rope.
  • Everyone should be satisfied with the rigging before getting on rope.
  • The group entering a cave should consist of at least three individuals.
  • Obtain a map of the cave if available.
  • Cave entrances can be the home of many different critters, some of which can be poisonous.
    • A few that inhabit the caves of the Guadalupe Mountains are:
      • Several different species of Rattlesnakes
      • Black Widow spiders
      • Brown Recluse spiders
      • Centipedes (6-8 inches long)
  • The cave environment itself contains many hazards
    • Low ceilings
    • Slick floors
    • Loose ceilings
    • Pits and exposure
    • Mud and Water
    • Cold damp temperatures


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